Page 140 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 140
130 Records of Bahrain
No. 118 of 1899.
Her Majesty's Secretary of State for India,
Simla, the 22nd June 1899.
M y Lord,
Wo liavo the honour to forward, for tho information of Her Majesty's
• No. ic, doua tho 29th May 1899, with oudo- Govcmmont, a copy of a letter* from our
■urrs. Political Residont in tho Porsian Gulf,
regarding complaiuts preferred by tho Shoikh and residents of Eahroin against
Mr. Zwemer, an American Missionary.
2. In February last wo received from Lioutcnant-Coloncl Moado an
application (copy enclosed) which had bcon mado to him by Mr. Zwemer for
assistanco in obtaining a building sito at Bahrain; Colonol Mcado then expressed
tho opinion that tho prcsonco of missionaries at Bahrein was a source of danger.
Wo instructed Colonel Mcado to inform Mr. Zwemer that ho could givo him
no assistance for tho reason that it is tho scttlod policy of tho British Govern
ment to intorfero in nowiso with religious customs’ and bcliofs. Colonel Moado
was also directed to mako it clear to tho SheikTTthat-tlio attitude of tho British
Government is one of absoluto neutrality, and that Colonol Moado himself
had no wish to influence in any way tho Shoikli’s decision on Mr. Zwemor’s
application. Beforo theso instructions roachcd him, Colonel Moado visitod
Bahrein; Mr. Zwemer agreed to mako no further attompt to purcliaso land,
and, as indicated in tho accompanying letter, Colonol Moado at first hoped that
matters would thorcaftor run smoothly.
3. As fresh complaints have now bcon mado, wo agreo with Licutonaut-
Colonol Meado that it is undcsirablo for Mr. Zwomcr and his comrades to
remain in Bahrein where it is not improbablo that they might bo subjected to ;>
personal violence, and wo should bo glad if Her Majesty’s Government could
tako 6uch stops as would result in Mr. Zwomcr’s recall.
Wo havo tho honour to bo,
My Loud,
Your Lordship’s most obediont, humblo servants,