Page 136 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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126                       Records of Bahrain

                                                      PROCEEDINGS OF TIIR
                                            FOREIGN DEPARTMENT, MAY 1000.

                                       Deputation of Mr. Qaakin aa Aastt. Poltl. Agont ot Duliroin. Pro. No. 10.

                                              No. UUO-li.A., dated Simla, the let May 1000.
                                    From—J. B. Wood, Eaq., Undor-Secrotary to the Government of India, Foreign   Iff. 107.
                                    To —The Political Resident in tho Persian Gulf.
                                 I am directed to acknowlodgo the receipt of your letter No. 94, dated tho
                             31st March 1900,’ regarding tho temporary deputation of Mr. J. C. Gaskin
                             as Assistant Political Agont at Bahrein.
                                 2. Thoro is no objection to Mr. Gaskin being granted such an amount,
                             not oxcocding 1140 a month, as lie may actually haro to pay as house-rent at
                             Bahroin, while still retaining his liouso at Bushire. Tho expenditure must
                             howovor bo mot from savings in tho budget allotments of the Itcsidoncy, as
                              woposed in Licutonant-Oolonol Meado’s loiter No. 37, dated tho 5th Fobruary
                                   You roport that Mr. Gaskin will loso a Consular allowanco of R30 a
                             yuur by his trausfor to Bahroin. But from a communication rccoivcd from
                             Ilor Majesty’s Government in August 1899 it would appear that tho foc-allow-
                             anco of £30 a yoar formerly attached to tho Consular appointmont at Bushiro
                             has boon withdrawn, and that orders woro issued to this olTect by the Secrotary
                             of State for Foroign Affairs to tho Consul-Qcnoral at Bushire. I am to invite
                             an explanation of tho apparent discrepancy.

                                                          No. 930-E.A.
                                 A copy of tho foregoing lottor is forwardod to tho Department of Finance
                             for information, in continuation of the endorsement from tho Foreign Depart­
                             ment, No. 602-E.A., dated tho 5th March 1900.

                                 E-.88.107-May.                              BxJ.—Wi G. B#
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