Page 134 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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124                        Records of Bahrain
                                                   PROCEEDINGS OP TIIE
                                         FOREIGN DEPARTMENT, MAY 1000.

                                     Doputntion of Mr. Gaskin as Anntt. Poltl- Agont at Bnhrolu. Pro. No. 103

                                                    MEMORANDUM.                              No. 100*
                               Tlio papers specified in tlio margin were transmitted to tlio Secretary*
                                                         Political and Secret Dopartmct, India
                            (1) Tolrgrnm from tlio Political Rcnidont
                           in tlio Purftinn Gulf, No. 10, dated tlio 18th   Offico, London, for the information of Hor
                           January 1000.                 Majesty’s Secretary of State for India,
                            (3) friegram in tlio I'olitjoal Ro».dent in ilio under covor of tlio Foreign Secretary’s
                           ary 1900.                     letter No. G-M., dated the 8th February

                                             Telegram, dated tho 11th February 1000.         No. 101.
                                  From—-Tito Resident, Bushiro,
                                 To —Tho Foreign Seorelnry, Calcutlo.
                               No. 4-7. Aglia Muhammad Rahoem, Residency Agent at Bahrein, died
                           on the 9th February last.

                                           No. 37, dated Bushirc, the 5th February 1900.      No-102
                                  From— M. J. Mkade, C.I.K., Political Rosident, Persian Gulf,
                                  To—Tho Secretary to tlio Government of India, Foreign Department.
                               I have tho honour to acknowledge the receipt of your tclogram of tho 2nd
                           instant, sanctioning tho deputation of Mr. J. C. Gaskin, Extra Assistant and
                           Vice-Consul hero, to Bahrein as a temporary arrangement on a doputatioo.
                           allowance of R100 a month, iu addition to his presout pay.
                               2.  I have informed Mr. Gaskin, who is ready to proceed to Bahrein, and
                           I will send him thoro as soon as ho has completed some Consular returns, which
                           bavo to bo sent to tho Foreign Office in London.
                               3.  Mr. Gaskin will require tbo sorviocs of a Munshi, and bo suggests that
                           be should be allowed to ongago a man at Bahrein, ou a salary of not moro than
                           R50 per mensem. He ha9 also pointed out that as bis going to Bahrein is
                          only a temporary measure, bo must rctaiu tbo house bo now occupios for which
                           be is paying SCO a month, and that, as bo will loso tbo Consular allowance
                           hero, while absent from Bushire, bo will not benefit, appreciably, from a
                           monetary point of view, by going, if bo only receives B100 a month.
                              4.  TJndor tbo circumstances I venturo to rocommeud that be may bo
                           allowed to ongago a Munshi at Bahrein on a salary of not moro than S50 a
                          month; and that bo may also bo given bouso allowance up to S20 a month
                          wbilo lie is living at Bahrein.
                              5.  His deputation allowance of S100 a month will como from tbo saving
                          of tbo pay of tbo Residency Agont whoso services will now bo dispensed with,
                          and I will oudoavour to meet the pay of tho Munshi and bouso rent at Bahrein
                          from savings in tbo budget allotment of this Residency.

                                       No. 601-E.A., dalod Fort William, the 5th March 1900.  No. 103.
                                 From—J. B. Wood, Esq., Uudcr-Scorotary to tho Governmout of India, Foreign
                                 To—Tho Political Resident in the Persian Gulf.
                              1 am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your lottor No. 37, dated tbo
                          6th February 1900, regarding tbo temporary deputation of Mr. J. O. Gaskin as
                          Assistant Political Agent at Bahroin.
                              2  Mr. Gaskin may bo allowed to ontertain a Munshi at Bahrein on a
                         salary not exceeding R60 a month, during tbo torn of bis deputation to that
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