Page 132 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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122                       Records of Bahrain

                                                         PROCEEDINGS OP TIIE
                                               FOREIGN DEPARTMENT, MAY 1000.
                                          Dopuiotiou of Mr. Gnsktu ns A68tt. Polfcl. Agont at Bnlirotn.  Pro. No. 93

                                          Telegram No. 1C0G-E.A., dated Simla, the 18tli Octobor 1800.  No. 93.
                                       From—The Foreign Scorotnry, Simla,
                                       To—COLONUL M BADE, iBusllil'O
                                    Your letter 128 of 24th. In viow of difficulty in finding an officer with
                                 the requisite qualifications in our Political Department, do you not think it
                                 might bo worth whilo to try Gaskin at Bahrein. This would ho much chcnpor
                                both in pay of appointment, strength of establishment and houso accommoda­
                                 tion aud total expense would probably bo less than half your cstimato, aud
                                Gaskin would probably stay there indefinitely on JR400 a month. Telegraph
                                your opinion.

                                                  Telegram, dated tlio 19th Octobor 1899.        No. 94.
                                       From—The Political ltcsidont in thu Persiau Gulf,
                                       To—The Foroign Secretary, Simla.
                                    Your telegram of the 18th October. I do not think Gaskin suilablo for
                                Bahroin at presont juncture. Ho is not pure European, is disposod to iutriguo
                                and has already been mixed up in Bahrein affairs. I boliovo that ho is not
                                liked by Shaikh. I am strongly in favour of English gentleman, hut if, on
                                financial grounds, this is impossible, I would suggest that English Foroign
                                Office may be asked for services of McDouall, Vice-Consul at Moliammerab,
                                Gaskin relieving. McDouall would probably succeed with Shaikh. After which
                                some other officer may bo available.

                                         Telegram No. 1765-E.A,, dntod Simla, tho 2nd Novombox 1899.  No. 95.
                                      From—His Excellency the Viceroy, Simla,
                                      To—Tho Secretary of Stato, London.
                                    Ploaso see paragraph 83 of our Secret despatch 175 Soptembor 21st.
                                Meade recommends McDouall, now Vico.Consul Moliammerab, for now
                                appointment Bahrein. MoDouall seems well qualified and wo proposo pay
                                £450 with ollico allowance £140 or about JR740 a month. Ncttco6t is less as
                                Bahrein Agent on 11100 would be abolished. This would bo considerably
                                chcapor than adding new appointment to Political Department nott cos*;
                                of which including establishments would not ho loss than 111,400 a month.
                                Initial expenditure in providing houso accommodation possibly 1112,000 or
                                1115,000. If Your Lordship concurs, please ask Foroign Office if thoy   can
                                spare McDouall. Wo will then send despatch with detailed proposals,   Meade
                                suggests Gaskin, Vice-Consul, Bushiro, as possible successor to MoDouall at
                                (Received toith letter from the Secretary, Political and Secret Department jj0t qg.
                                               No. dated the 17th November 1809.)
                                                                              India Office,
                                                                          15th Novembor 1899.
                                   T am dircctod by Lord George Hamilton to forward herewith, to bo lmd
                                                             before tho Marquess of'Salisbury, a copy
                                    Dated 2nd Novomber 1899.
                                                             of a telegram from tho Viceroy proposing
                                that Mr. William McDouall, now Her Majesty's Vice-Consul at Mohanmicrnu,
                                should bo appointed to represent British interests at Bahrein.
                                   E -b8-10J — May
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