Page 200 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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190 Records of Bahrain
to'quiotly look’on tflion an omployeo of.'mfao/’trtiof -Is nbsolutdlv. 'Inndoont, la
boing'brutally maltroatcd in my own houao by-'tt sot of pcoplo who oritorod-nfry’
houso without my eonaont?
I think eomo blamo might hnvo attnohod'to Mr. Bnhnson If -ho 'hqd
tried only to touch any of thoso pooplo or if ho had only used sUong language
but nothing of this was dono by Mr. Bahnson. Ho simply askod thorn to stop
iiumodiatoly and strotohod his arms ovor tho unfortunato ooolio.’naturally
presuming that this would cffcotivoly stop tho proooeding. 1 fail -to soo '.whoro
tho error of judgmont on Mr. Bnhnson’s part comos in. It appears‘to mo'thrft
you scorn to think yory lightly about 8holkli Ali bin Abmod and his followers
and his servants entering my houso without my‘consont and -behaving oslflio
had a right to lot my omployooa bo bonton by himsolf and his'sorvauts. If
Sheikh Ali thought, aftor tho first affair botwcon his man and Abdullah lind
happonod, that ho liad roason to complain, ho ought to haVo followod anothor oourso
whioh .was opon to him 'oithor by informing mo of it«by sottling tho .’mattor
amicably or by dirooting himsolf to tho Cliiof of Bahroin. Bhoikh iAli -.'bin
Ahmod's highhandodn'osB in tho first instanoo and alono is' tho roal'oauao of tho
unfortunato affair, and I vonturo to say that.if ho is not mado to pay:dcarly for it
somo way or tho othor tliis timo, in futuro hia rospoot for all -Europeans generally
will bo nil and .this might load to furthor ocourronccs.of a similar kind if .not
I thank, you vory much for what you say .-regarding :tho vSukhra aystom*
It doosUot contain-any point which has not boon known to mo sincoJoug.
Of ooursoi it i? '“ well understood in tho islands that no employes -of
Europeans can-loyally bo impressed by othor persons,” but if’it is bo woll undpr-
stood why do'thoso*things always and ovor liappon again?
I mysolf liavo had to complain of it sovoral timos to your.prodcoossor
Mr. Gaskin, andmoro than a dozon times it has happoned, and I havonot troiiblod
anybody with it becauso'I got tired to complain always of suob more trifling
matters which novortholoss nro vory annoying and can load to sorious oonsp-
quonoos as shown by this affair. I vonturo to say it is not good onough that
oYcrybody in tho islands only.understands that Europoan omployoos ;aro-froo of
Sukhra, but-tho pcoplo, ospoidally tho sorvnnts of all tho Shoikhs of.tho.islands*
; must bo mado-to oboyVand if thoy do not, thoy ought to bo'puniskcd somehow.
'Tho opinion'whioh you-havo'formod on tho caso and tho toraia you proposo
\ nro-so widely different from whnt.Dthink to bo right, that'I fear that an undor-
A standing'-aboufc this matter'botwcon you aud mysolf will 'ho very 'difficult. I
thcroforo* proposo to sond: in by this mail to tho 'German Consdlin Busliiro tho
■ • correspondonco regarding' tho affair, and I shall put tho whole niattor into his
bauds for sottlcmont.
Enclosure No. 10.
Dated; tho'6th November 1004.
From—IIznR ltODBUT Woncxiuub,
.To—Cimiii F. B. PniDEAux, Assistant Political Agont, Bahrein.
With.reforcnco to my letter dated 30th\Ootobe.r, I regrot Tthit il have ito
report to you:another oaso regarding tho “ Sukhra V which.happoned totday.
;My ooohw woro'.employcd in bringing -wood' from' tho -hoiit into my godown
•when a mail of 8hoikh Hamad bin»l6a igot hold of «ono of 'thorn, .;struck liim
^“^^^woho TcftiBod to-pomo along .with him, stating .that ho woa\worl^&
Tho cooliasucceeded;to get tho man.of'.tho:8hbikbt6*'oomodnto:my<godown
where my man‘Abdunabi-told tho.8hoikh!s man that tliorpoolio was .omployed
hv mo, and that bo might look out for anothor ono. But ovon nowitho
•?< n ? man did.not-want to loavo tho coolio alono and it was .nooo^aory that
Mr. Bahnson.himsolf.told.tho.ShQikh’sjnonaooordingJy. .
Of coureo,'tho matter is .important onough',to'oompkin ahoutiit,'but I xmlv
•want to show''is not at all understood; .'that liny ..'coolies (oannot :,do
accordingly Sho,kJl 8 maD' that* too BheikU^pcoplo'in ahy-ooso domotiaot