Page 203 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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British influence and foreign interests, 1904-1906  193

                H. Slioikh Ali should bo banished from Bahrain and preferably mado to rosido
            at Adon for at least 10 yoars. liis brothers can ndmiuistor his properties and
            roraithim tho proeoads. Tho old “ Govormnont Houso" should, howovor, bo
            mado OYor at a valuation to tho Chiof for tho uso of big eon Shoikli Hamad.
                ID. Finally, Slioikh Isa, I think, should bo told omphatioally that no disputos
            betwoon Shiahs and Sunnis aro honcoforth to bo roforrod to tho Shorn Court,
            auy moro than disputes botwcon Hindus and Muhammadans aro. Tho Shiahs
            who aro mostly Persians, in tho absonoo of tho Shah’s Consular roprosontatives,
            naturally look to us for protootion, and as tho British Qovornmout aro interested
            in tho wolfaro of all olasaos in Bahrain, they oannot viow with ouuanimity
            the injustioo ovon of making Bahreini Shiahs (who aro all Persians by origin;
            submit to tho jurisdiction of a religious court other than their own. All suoli
            oiscs should bo adjudicated upon by tho Chief himself or by an impartial
            Enolosuro No. 13.
            Translated purport of n tclogram from tlio Mushir-ud-Dowlob, Toheran, to Ibo Poreian Tradori
                                       iu liahroiu.
                X rocoivcd your tologram regarding tho assault on you by tho Bahrain
                ICoop yoursolvcs calm, for I have had a long talk with tho British Miniator
            on tho subject, and 1 am suro ho will tako oarly stops to got the alfair Bottled and
            get tho oulprits punished.

            Enclosuro No. M.        (Til ANSLA.TION.)
                 Undortakiog given to Resident by Sboikli of Bahrein, dated 28tli Itnmzau 1922.
               I, Slioikh Isa bin Ali al Khalifah, urgo that my personal self respeot and
            that of my family will bo broken if Slioikh Ali is compollod to loavo Manama
            immediately boforo tho Ramzan Fed, which will bo only 3 days lionco. But
            I horoby givo tho most solemn undertaking possiblo that within 7 days aftor tho
            doparturo of Major Cox from Bahrein, Slioikh Ali and his followers shall also
            lcavo Bahrein for change of air and shall romain away from Bahrein until such
            timo as Major Cox shall receive a roply from Government, and if no such reply
            or instructions shall arrivo up to 3 weeks (a month in all) Sheikh Ali shall bo at
            liborty to return to Bahrein.
               And if tho Resident will accept this arrangement, I promiso and undortako
           to placo special guards on tho Bazaar, day and night, to such au oxtent as will
           satisfy Captain Pridoaux, tho Political Agent, so that thoro may bo no possibility
           of a rccurronoo of rowdincss for tho futuro.

                        0. I. o. r. 0,—No. 3203 F. D.-ZO-U-lWl-OO—r. K.D.
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