Page 404 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 404

                                                           Records oj Bahrain

                                        Confidential.            of iooo.
                                                        Politic o.l Agency,
                                                     Bahrain,4th April 1909.

                                               Major l'V li. Pridoaux,
                                                        Political Agent,
                                               Tho Political Rouidon* in tho Persian Gulf,

                                                                              Bus hire.
                                               I have the honour to report that the Turkish
                                     officials in Haua,under their present Mutasaerlf Maliir Pash*
                           apparently making some effort to establish thoir o.utho-
                                    rity more securely in the ro/ther vaguely definod district
                                    over v/hich they rule.
                                    2.        During tho v/eek of February 1909,1 heard
   ;                                that the Mudir of Ojair had been corresponding with the
                                    DowasiT tribesmen who periodically visit Zakhmmiya Island
                                    from Bahrain,with o. view to 'jetting thorn to admit theihr
                                    allOgianco to tho Turkish throne.A wuek or two lo.ter tho
    I!                              rumour reached Bahrain that a Turkish salaried Kaimmakam
  BII                               had been despatched to Doha to take over the Government of
                                    the town (or whole Katar Peninsula,perhaps,as the Turks
    I                               claim it) from Shaikh Jaaim bin Thani and his deputy son,
   .  :
    ;                               Abdallah bin Jaaim.
   I                                3.        On the 8th March I proceeded to Luaail,Shaikh
    li                              Jaaim's headquarters,in the Agency Launch,and on the 10th
                                    the old Chief rode in from the interior to meet mo.I also
                                    despatched a Confidential reporter,who had accompanied me
                                    from Bahrain,by name Yusuf bin Ahmad Kano,overland to Doha
                                    to collect o.ll the authentic news pouBiblo connocted with
                                    the object of my visit.
                                    4.        Shaikh Jaaim received me very cordially,and ap-
                                    peared to be enjoying better health than I  ha8Vseen him ip
                                                                                  A b.efore


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