Page 405 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 405

Turkish interests and Persian claims, 1906-1909   395

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                       Ho ocoffod at, the notion that there hart been any
              recont ill-feeling betweon the Turku curt himself, and dec­
              lared that in the mattor of the A1 bu Ainain disaffection
             at Vakra the Government had supported him quite o.u much as
             ho could wish.The how official who had come to the fort at
             Bida' was,ho said,connected with the troops,o.nd though he
             had tried occasionally to givo advltfo to Shaikh Abdallah
             (Jauiro's son),the latter had resolutely ignorod him.When I
             obsorved that I had hoard that the Turku wore talking of
             assuming the Administration of the Customs,Shaikh Jasim
             said the revenue from this source was insignificant,being
             only about Rs:400/-monthly,and barely sufficient to defray
             the cost of the Bazar watchmen «.To please the British Oovern-
             c.f.Porsian Gulf Residency Diary] ment he had introduced a
              Entry Ho. 1340 for week endin'?
              7th July 1907.                   hoavy tax to kill the
             trade in slaves and arms,but provisions ond other necessit­
             ies were still admitted free.The latter part of this state­
             ment I am quite sure is not true,though the Shaikh went to
             the length of calling in my pilot,a Katar Hahkodajto con­
             firm what ho said,ond the man actually did so until we had'
             loft the Shaikh's presence Illy messenger in Doha reported on
             his return that the Turkish official about whom we had been
             uneasy was ostensibly a Kazi.such as was attached to the
             Government Btaff in Hofuf and Katif,and that his post in
             Doha would bo quite^sinecure as no Arabs would evey go near
                       Wo found on our return to Bahrain that this wor­
             thy had personally hurried off to Hasa via Bahrain to re­
             port the news of my visit the instant he heard of it in
             6.        On. the 17th March I left Bahrain again in. the
             Steam Launch to visit Zakhnuniya Island which is situated
             close to the mainland about 10 miles south of Ojair.The
             most recent news about this place had been that the Mudir
             of Ojair had Just visited the island,taking two or three
             military .officers with him ond a Turkish'flag,and that he
             had aekoU the Dowasir,whom he met there .whether they had
             settled anything with their headman in Bahrain about coming
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