Page 410 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 410

400                        Records of Bahrain

                         o'ldoratlon that tho quostion of our protootorato  ovor

                         Balirein ohould not bo raiood in tho firot inotanoe, but

                         that tho warning againot any diaturbanoo of tho otatuo

                         quo in thooo rogions, which was addrooood to tho Turkifah

                         Minister for Foreign Affaire in 1903, in connoction with

                         tho roportod appointment of Mudiro at Zobara, Wakra and

                         Odoid, ohould bo ropoatod with an expression of tho hopo
                         that inotruotiono will bo oont to tho liudir of OJalr to

                         rovort to tho atatua quo ante and withdraw from tho


                              Aa regards tho Government of India's auggoation that

                         tho Shoikh of Bahrein ohould bo authorised to fly his own

                         flag on tho island, Lord Uorloy 1b of opinion that it

                         would be dooirablo to await tho roault of any represent­

                         ations that may bo raado to tho Ottoman Government boforo

                         deciding on any lino of action.   It might, if noooaaary,

                         bo indicated to tho Turkish Government that, in tho ovont

                         of tho atatua quo ante not being restored, tho question

                         of examining moro carefully and, if noooaaary, supporting

                         the Sheikh's rights over tho island will oomo under our


                                                            I have etc • 9
                                                           Sd/. A. Godloy,

            The Under 6eorotary of State,
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