Page 414 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 414
404 Records of Bahrain
to J-Jabroin. They then took RO labourer** to Zakhnunloh
with thu Idea of ooiamonoinx to build.
R. I thought It profdrable not to interfere
with their intention* for uinoe the fort wau origin-
-ally built hy them in the tine of Sheikh All, there
aupearu to he no alterati m of the otatuu quo. It iu
quite pouulble they vrlll only do little work, au I do
not think they aru nnxioue to upend a larxe u\ua of
money. Unfort.'mately Abdullah bln Hasan, the headman
of the i'owatur, haa been uiok for uomv> days and X have
been unable to interview him.
a. Ad Hutaearrif inudt have been aotinq
\u\der inutructlonu iron the Vali of /iaurah, perhanu
Hr. Srow jould requeet bin to auk tho /.iutaearrif not
to iuime any ordera reqardint Zakhnuniah.
I have the honour to be,
Your moot obedient eervnjit,
! • rolitloal Axent, bahrein.