Page 409 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 409

Turkish interests and Persian claims, 1906-1909   399


                                              India        0 f t i o o,

                                                  20th U*y 1909,

                    I am diroctod by Viooount Morloy to enclose a oopy

               of a tolegrom from the Viceroy ao to the action of the

               local Turkioh authoritieo at OJair in oooupying the Is­

               land of Zokhnuniyah, which is claimed by the Sheikh of
              Bahrein.   It will bo oboorved that copies of correopond-
              enoe are being sent by mail.

                    An extract from the Persian Gulf Gazetteer giving

               the available information ao .to the island is enclosed  I

              together with extracts relating to the Dowaslr tribe.

                   Lord Uorley recognises the objections, in the pre­

              sent phaso of the political situation in Turkey, to ma­

              king representations of a controversial nature to the

              Ottoman Government. But the Turkish occupation of the

              island raises both the question of our protectorate over

              Bahrein and of the limits of Turkish Jurisdiction on tho

              Katr Coast. In view of the ooneoquenoea that may follow

              on any acquiescence on our part in Turkish encroaohments

              Lord Uorley oeo||o no alternative to at onoe addressing
              the Porte on the subject.

                    As- regards the form of the representations to be

              made Lord Uorley would suggest for Sir E. Grey*o consi­
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