Page 412 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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                                                 Records of Bahrain

                                                                             s        ,fl*k

                           No. 3035, datod Buahlro, tho 28th Novombor (roooivod on tho 7th
                              From—Major A. P. Truvor, I.A., First Aosiatant Rosidont, in ohargo of Rceidonoy.
                                    Poraian Gulf,                                      v
                              To—Tho Socrctary to tho Govornmont of India In tho Foreign Dopartmont:
                       y:   I liftvo tho honour to invito a rofcronco to tl)o oorrospondonco onding with my
                       telegram No. 1077, dated tho 24tb instant, on tho subjoot of tho ocoupation of Zakh’
                       numya Island by tljo Turks.
                           2, In this connection I beg to forward for tho information of tho Govornmont
                         • No. 7-15, dntod t|io 20tU- Novombor 1000.  of India a copy of a lottor* from tho Poli­
                                                      tical Agent, Bahrain, on tho subject. It
                       would appear that the assurances given by the Turkish Government regarding the
                       evacuation of .tho Island arc correct, and that thoro aro no .Turkish soldiors now
                           3.  It will bo seen that the Shaikh of Bahrain suggests that his flag should bo
                       flown at Zakhnuniya in tho cold woathor when tho Dawasir tribo aro there, but
                       that no flag should be flown during tho summer months when tho Island is unin­
                       habited. On tho other hand Captain Mackenzie thinks that, as no flag has boon
                       flown on the Island since the days of the Shaikh’s father, it will bo rathor a dis­
                       turbanceof tho status quo to fly a flag, and that tho notion will incrcaso tho sus­
                       picion with which our notions on tho Arab Coast aro viowed by tho Turks.
                           4.  It seems to mo that if a flag is to bo hoisted at all it should bo flown at
                       intervals nil tho year round, and not ouly for a fow months in tho year.
                           6. I therefore proposo, should tho Governmoutof India 3co no objection, to
                       request tho Shaikh to hoist his flag and maintain a Dawasir oustodian who will
                       remain on tho Island during tho hot woathor.
                                          No. 745, dated tho 20th Novombor 1900.
                             From—Captain C..F. Mackenzie, I.A., Political Agont, Bahrain,
                             To—Major A. P 'Trevor, I.A., First Assistant Rosidont, in chargo of Residonoy,
                                  Poraian Gulf.
                           With roforoncc to this offioo diary entry No. 122, datod the 30th April 1009,
                       I havo the honour to inform you that somo days nftor Major Pridoaux loft Zakh­
                       nuniya, four Turkish soldiors were sent to losido in tho fort thoro and guard it.
                       They stayed a few days and built a small houso, and repaired the platform of tho
                       flagstaff, and thon returned to Ojair, taking tho flagstaff with thorn.- i  About
                       three weeks ago somo fifteen men of tho Dawasir tribe went to Zakfiuuniy  a and
                       it is reported that tho Island is clear of soldiers. As the Island is uninhabited
                       duripg tho summer months, it is difficult to obtain roliablo information as to
                       whether tho Turks visited tho island from timo to timo, but it is roportod by the
                       Dawasir that thoro woro a fow soldiers thoro whoa they first arrivod but that thoy
                       left shortly after. Thoy also stated that thoy havo bcon told by tho soldiors of tho
                       Ojair garrison that it is tho intention of tho Turkish officials to sond ovor  mon
                       shortly to repair tho fort which is now a ruin. It Boom* probablo that thoso
                       actions aro duo to the efiangos of Mutasarrifs of Hasa, and of Walis of Busrab.
                       1 havo warned tho hoad of tho tribo not to pormit any imbroglio with tho
                          2.  I montioned to Shaikh Esa tho question of flying his flag in tho island. Ho
                       said that ho would liko it flown whilo tho Dawasir romainod thoro during tho win­
                      ter, but that it should bo withdrawn in summer on their roturn.
                          3.  My personal opinion on tho flag question is that if wo aro going to adboro to
                      the status quo ante, the flag should not bo flown as Sheikh Esa told mo ho did not
                      think that tho flag had been flown since tho timo of his fathor. Providod tho Turks
                      aro not allowed to go there, and tho Dawasir continuo to go ovory wintor tho pre­
                      scriptive right to tho island is strengthened without tho question of tho flag being
                      raised. Again if any insult to tho flag takes plaoo it may'foroo our hand into sovoro
                      measures than it may bo politic to take. Tho hoisting of tho flag thoro would
                      moreover tond to inoreaso tho suspioion and distrust with whioh our notions in |
                      thoso parts aro viowed by tho Turks.
                                        B. O. P. I.—No. 2383 F. D.—28.12-09—40—P. J. M.
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