Page 416 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 416
406 Records of Bahrain
From — Hio iixcelloncy tlio Vicoroy, Glmla.
To ills hajoaty'u Gocrotary of Gtato for India, London.
Datod tho 25th July 1910.
Ploaoo rofer to my tologram datod 26th November and previous
oorroopondenco regarding Turkish occupation of Zakhnuniyah
1olund. Oolonol Cox roportu that tho ialand has again boon
occupiod by Turkish ooldioro and that ovory Friday tho Turkioh
Flag in hointod. Wo trust that Hio iiajooty'o Govornmont will
make further strong roprooontation to tho Porto, ponding
rooult of which we rosorvo our roconimondatlone.