Page 420 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 420

410                        Records of Bahrain

                                      No. 30. Copy forwarded to the Brltioh Reoidont
                                                                                       at Buahire with
                                      the compliments of the undoroigned.

                                                                                    (ad) F.IS.CROW,
                                 Basra Ootobor 27, 1010.
                                                                                      H.B.M'o Consul.

                                                                         Baora October 27, 1910.

                                            As lnetruoted by Your ISxoeliency' e tologrom of the 18th instar-

                                      I directed my dragoman to ask the Vail privately and unofficially
                                     whether he had received the telogram from the Uinloter of the In­
                                      terior, that the gendarmes sent to the Island of Zokhnuniyeh for
                                      the fishing season should not return there except under Bpooial or­
                                     ders from Constantinople and, if so, whether he had informed the
                                     Muteooarif of Hasoa accordingly.
                                        The Vali replied that he had not at present received any oolegrar:

                                      on this subject; that the island belonged to Turkey and that this
                                      Consulate had no right to onquiro into their affaire either offi­
                                      cially or privately. His Excelloncy then told ray dragoman that he
                                      was astonished that the Consul, whose business It was to watch trade,
                                      should interfere In political matters. My dragoman asked him to
                                      explain more precisely what he meant but lie dropped the subject and

                                      on being informed that moot of the people who fiohod in the 1bland
                                      were foroignore and that the onqulry on fcy part wao Justifiable,
                                     Hifl Excellency was good enopgh to oay that, if the Conoul addressed
                                     him officially on the subject, hp would consider it.
                                         I have informed the Resident at Buohiro accordingly.

                                                                           I #havo etc.

                                                                          (sd) F.ifi.CROW#

                                H.E. The Rt. Hon'blo Bir G.A. Bowther, a.C.M.G  * 9
                                        eto       etc        eto
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