Page 424 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 424
414 Records of Bahrain
Sir E. Grey considers that It would not he safe to
preoe matters oo far till the naval and military au
thority b are known to ho agreed upon a plan of cam-
paign and prepared to carry it out in the last reBort.
For those reasons Sir E. Grey though appreciating
the inconvenience of the present unsettled and undefin
ed state of affaire, conoidere that unless extreme pro-
vocation is forthcoming it would he hotter to wait till
the Turkish Government renew this year their request
! for the increase of Customs dues and then to open the
question of all the points in dispute and to endeavour
to secure a reasonable settlement.
I am,
Your most obedient,
humble Servant,