Page 424 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 424

414                        Records of Bahrain


                                           Sir E. Grey considers that It would not he safe to

                                           preoe matters oo far till the naval and military au­

                                           thority b are known to ho agreed upon a plan of cam-
                                           paign and prepared to carry it out in the last reBort.

                                                For those reasons Sir E. Grey though appreciating
                                           the inconvenience of the present unsettled and undefin­

                                           ed state of affaire, conoidere that unless extreme pro-
                                           vocation is forthcoming it would he hotter to wait till
                                           the Turkish Government renew this year their request

   !                                       for the increase of Customs dues and then to open the
                                           question of all the points in dispute and to endeavour

                                           to secure a reasonable settlement.

                                                               I am,


                                                               Your most obedient,

                                                                     humble Servant,
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