Page 421 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 421

Turkish interests and Persian claims, 1906-1909    411

                                                  FOREIGN OFFICE.
                                                        January 16th. 1911.
      17123/10)                         ,17 JAM 911  . !

                   Sir: -
                        I am directed hy the Secretary of state for For­

                   eign Affairs to acknowledge the receipt of your letter

                   of the 30th. ultimo respecting the state of affairs

                   brought about by acts of Turkish aggression in the dis­

                   tricts adjoining the Persian Gulf. It is suggested

                   that His Majesty's Government should enter into nego­

                   tiations with the Turkish Government explaining to them
                   fully their interests* and policy in those regions, and

                   that an attempt should be made to effect's general

                   settlement on the lines recommended by His Majesty's

                   Consul-General at Bushire in his telegram to.the Govern

                   ment of India enclosed in your letter of December 9th.

                   Falling the success of these negotiations it is sug­

                   gested that it would probably be necessary for H1b

                   Majesty's Government to assert by force their view of

                 ^[Aylia^lcjCJlgtitutes the status quo in the Persian Gulf ra-
                 i  E*QNNICI1
                 KdBlA OFFIQflL

     io Under Secretary of State,
          India Office.
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