Page 418 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 418

408                        Records of Bahrain

                                                                             Foreign Office,

                                                                                Auguot 8, 1910,

                                     No. 226.

                                             Sir E. Groy to Glr G. Lowther.


                                           I transmit to Your Excellenoy herewith copy of a letter
                                    from the India Office with ito enclosure, from which you will

                                     boo that Zakhnuniyah Inland hao again boon oocupiod by Turk­
                                    ish troope.
                                            I roquont that Your Sxoolloncy 7/111, in accordance with
                                    the India Office's suggestion, remind the Turkish Government of
                                    the pjm representations which you made to them on this subjoot
                                    last year (see ray telegram No. 328 of May 30th) pointing oit
    i! •                            that the occupation of the island constitutes a violation of

                                     the status quo, and requesting them to iosuo orders for the
                                    immediate withdrawal of the guard.
                                        Your Excolloncy should also point out that H.M.Govt. have
                                    not hitherto allowod the Sheikh of Bahrein to hoist his flag

                                    on the island, lest the status quo should bo infringed.

                                                                             I have eto.
                                                                             (sd) E. Grey.

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