Page 422 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 422

                                    412                        Records of Bahrain


                                                   In the present disposition of the Turkish Govern­

                                             ment Sir E. Groy considers it unlikely that they would

                                             approach Buch negotiations as are suggested in a reason­

                                             able spirit; and that in view of tho difficulty His

                                             Majesty's Government would have in finding a quid pro

                                             quo it would be out of the question that the Turkish
                                             Government would make the concessions indicated in

                                             Colonel Cox'e telegram above-referred to.     In view of
                                             the certainty of these negotiations ending in failure

                                             and of the serious steps which His Majesty's Government
                                             might be forced to take consequent on such failure, 8ir

    |i I i                                   E. Groy would deprecate for the present any discussion
                                             with the Turkish Government as to affairs of the Per-

                                             sian Gulf unless they should initiate them.     The best

                                         !   moment for such negotiations would come when the Turk­
                                             ish Government again approach His Majesty's Government

                                         I   with a view to obtaining their assent to the four per

                                         !   cent increase of the Customs duties.    It will then he
      I  !
                                             necessary to discuss the question of Koweit in connexio)

                                             with the Bagdad Railway and by using the customs in­
      !!!                                    crease as a lever it may be possible to obtain a sdtis-


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