Page 425 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 425

Turkish interests and Persian claims, 1906-1909   415

         1 Tina Document ia tho Property of Iljs Britannio Ifl^jeaty'a Government.]

        ASIATIC TURKEY’ AND ARABIA.                  &    [January 27.]
               c: )M-:ui:ntial.            - 29 MAR 1911 ■i  Skotios 1.
        [3168]                        No. 1.
                   India OlJicc In Foreign Office.—(llcccivcd January 27.)
        Sir,                                    India OJJicc, January 26, 1911.
           1 AM directed l).v the Secretary of State for India to acknowledge the receipt o£
        your letter of the 16th .1 amiary regarding the .situation created by Turkish aggression
        in the neighbourhood ot the Persian Gulf.
        ...... In reply I am to say that tho Earl of Crewe recognises that circumstances uro not
        po favourable for approaching the Turkish Government as they wore whon tho
        Secretary of Stato for Foreign Adairs addressed his despatch of the 17th Octobor to
        Sir 0. Lowthcr, and he accepts Sir 1C. Grey’s view that the communication may bo
        deferred until the Turkish Government renew their request for an increaso of tho
        customs duties, assuming that such an application is likely to be made at no vory.
        distant date.
           As regards the last paragraph but ouo of your letter, Lord Ore wo is not aware
        what are the viowa of tho naval and military authorities on the subject thoroin referred
        to; but lie would veuturc to urge lutuur strongly, in viow of tho present situation, that
        the question of tho action to bo taken in certain ovoutualitios, both gonorally and
        locally iu the Persian Gulf, should be considorod and decided, oither in tho Committee
        of Imperial Dofonce or otherwise, at the earliest possible date, iu order that the
        Government of India may know what (if anything) is oxpocted of them, and that tho
        diplomacy of Ilia Majesty's Government may not be liindorod whon a dccisivo
        opportunity is offorod.
                                                          I am, Ac.
                                                             R. RITCHIE.

             [1851 del—1]
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