Page 419 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 419

Turkish interests and Persian claims, 1906-1909    409

                                            Ootobor 22, 1910-

         No. 34.


               I have received the following telogram from H.M's Am­
         bassador with referonce to the Turkish occupation of the                          i
         iolond of Zakhnuniah, dated October 18.
         "The Mini at or of the Interior informe me that he has instruct -

         "ed the Vali of Basra by tolograph to the offoot that the
         "gendarmes who proceeded to tho island for the fishing season
         "should not return there without special orders being sent
         "from Constantinople for the purpose. This is merely a formula

         "to effect the necessary reversion to the status quo in order
         "to spare local susceptibilities. Please endeavour unofficially
         "to ascertain whether the Vali has rocelved these orders and to
         "what extent they are being put into execution"•

                                      I have etc.

                                       (sd) F.E.Crow.

 Ool P.Z.Oox, O.S.I  •»  C.I.E.,

         British xlesidont
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