Page 75 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 75

British interests and influence, 1898-1904        65

                                      [ 3 ]
        Lioutonant-Coloncl Moado has been instructed to discuss with tho Naval
        authorities tho quostion of what further assistance can be given by Ilcr
        Majesty’s ships towards stopping tho arms trade. Wo liavo also desired him
        to oudoavour, if an opportunity presouts itself, to arrivo at somo arrangement
        with tho Chief of ICoweit for checking the trado there.

            Wo do not propose to discuss tho question of establishing a British
        Consular Agoncy at Bundor Abbas, until wo loam Your Lordship’s views upon
        tho points raised in the Socrct despatch from Lord Elgiu’s Government, No. 135,
        datod tho 10th August 1608.

            7. As Lioutonant-Coloncl Moado points out, there arc valid objections to
        keeping at Bahrein, Maskat or Bushiro tho arms and ammunition which have
        been seized and attached. At Bahrein the position is certainly not free from
        risk, and wo should bo glad to roccivo instructions in the mattor at a very early I
        date. Wo cannot endorse Lioutouaut-Colonel Mcado’s suggestion that tho Bahrein .
        arms should bo liandod back, oven conditionally, to Mossrs. Eracis, Times & Co. /

                                       We have tho honour to bo,
                                             My Lord,
                               Your Lordship’s most obodiont, humblo servants,

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