Page 174 - مجلة دلمون العدد 25 يونيو 2019م
P. 174


                         THE HELLENISTIC GULF                                                                                               ،،
 Greek Naval Presence in the Gulf and South Mesopotamia

                                 (324-64 B.C.)

            Book presentation at the Bahrain History and Archaeological Society
                                             December 7th 2016

      What is the book all about:
      e•inTxhtetehnecdoinGlogunliafalllsattnahdrrtoninuaggvhawol duitothmthAinelaetxHiaoennlldeoenfritshtteihcMepaGekrerieodadotn(ia3an2nd4s
      B.C.-64 B.C.)
      • The network of foundations built by the Seleukids,
      Alexander’s successors in the Gulf, combined with
      naval and military settlements in order to achieve
      geopolitical, commercial and maritime domination.

،، o• uEtxtahmeineaxitsiotennocfeaollf tahe“Haevlaleilnaibstleicegvuidlf”e.nce that points

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