Page 177 - مجلة دلمون العدد 25 يونيو 2019م
P. 177
The chosen wife in Akkadiene language is Fourth demand:
called Hirtu. Hirtu may allow her husband
to marry another woman but there must be Adoption in old Iraq family.
a reason for that. In other civilizations it was This process also has been regulated in
accepted for example a letter sent to Feroh order to guarantee the adopted child’s
in Egypt by King of Elashia (Cyprus) greeting rights. Adoption is allowed for couple who
him his Hirtu, children and other legal wives. have no children or families in need of more
The law stress again the punishment for helping hands. The adopted child is called
adultery. The woman may be punished by Maratu simply means son in Akkadienne
death while she can ask for divorce if the language.
husband created an act of adultery. In order Adopting adult male or female were
no. 28 (Eshnunna Law) “ if a man certified his accepted also keeping in mind that they
wedding and invited her parents to a meal have to be well treated otherwise they can
and married their return to their original parents.
daughter she is considered his legal wife but In Hammurabi law item 190
if caught with another man then she is dead”. “If a man doesn’t consider his adopted child
Lipit Ishtar Law No. 30 equal to his own children then he or she can
“The husband shall be expelled from his return to his or her original parents”.
house if he created an act of adultery”. In
Hammurabi law 142 “ if a woman hates )Hammurabi 190(
her husband she shall be judged by her
reputation. If she is found to be conservative
and the husband adulterer, then she can
return to her parents with all her belongings”.
As in wedding laws divorce takes place at
a court. It has to be documented and the
man gives his wife full right to re-marry after
divorcing her.
In Summerian king (Orkajena) law the man
pays five shekel (silver) to the ruler and one to
the court then he shall be given a certificate
of divorce.