Page 179 - مجلة دلمون العدد 25 يونيو 2019م
P. 179


          Second Demand                                     These legal items and laws still been
                                                            discussed in our modern societies. Don’t
          Structure of Mesopotamian society:                forget its origin.
          Old societies including Mesopotamia were
          divided into layers which gave status to the      The Third Demand:
          individual. In Mesopotamian society divided
          into three layers. “THE FREE” (Awilum)            Engagement and marriage in Mesopotamia
          status individual male or female, (Muskenum)      Marriage considered the main pillar of
          limited income people and the last slaves         creating a family in Mesopotamian society
          in Akkadienne (Wardum) for the male and           and all the followers of people across Arabia
          (AMTUM) for female. It is almost the same         until Islam. Since establishing a family was
          in today’s Arabic language. This mentioned        an important matter a special guidelines
          legislations kept the same meaning even           were made in order to satisfy the values
          when names pronounced in different ways           which they believed in.
          like in Lipit Ishtar Law.                         The main concern was to produce off springs
          Muskenum pronounced Miaktum is the                who will be capable to work and protect the
          same social status mentioned in Hammurabi         family and in turn build strong society and
          laws. The free woman was given a special          defend the tribe or the nation.
          social status example to that item no 175 in      However, before marriage comes love
          Hammurabi’s regulations whereby children          and passion. Without them no marriage
          belong to their mother if she is from a free      accepted. One of the best evidence to that
          status even if the father was not. It is written  are the statues found from Summerian time
          as follows “if a slave from the royal court       which reveals the lovers in the Southern part
          married daughter of a free man the slave          of the Iraq.
          owner has no right to his offspring”.

          Text of Hammurabi Law                             (Loving wife and Husband)

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