Page 181 - مجلة دلمون العدد 25 يونيو 2019م
P. 181
1st Demand: name in Akkadienne was “Sinnistu/amuttu”.
However, the wife pronounced as “Dam”
Woman’s status in Mesopotamia:The and in Akkadienne “Assat” or as a picture of
women has been well identified in all female sex organ. The male in Summerian
inscriptions of Summerian, Akkadienne is (IR) for male slave and (Nita) for any male
(Assyrian and Babylonian) where it points preceded by “GIS” which indicates fertility
to her in four thousand B.C. by letters “MI” or male organ. In Akkadienne it is “Zikru/
which means any mature woman . The two Zikaru”.
letters are used as female identity. Before the
The oldest inscriptions of a man and a woman in Sumerian and Akkadienne language.
It seems that it was accepted in early history was much more in a higher social status.
of Iraq to show in drawings the woman’s In fact it is beyond any imagination even in
attractive features as well as the man’s comparison to our own living time, woman
virility and fertility. It is well indicated in the was a goddess a head of the house in the
naked drawings of Obaid period down to 4th century BC cuneiforms. The woman is
four thousand B.C. a star inside a house in Summerian. She is
The woman was given a higher status (AMA/UM/Umu) and (Ummu) in Akkadienne
in Mesopotamia society. That has been language mid Third Century B.C.
proven by inscriptions and anthropological From this came the name (Ummianu) which
studies of pre writing times. In fact opposite meant scientist or educated person. Below
to what have been written by number of you can see the signs which are dedicated
researchers about all recent lingual as for the woman keeping in mind that the star
well as anthropological studies has given in the Third Century BC in Sumerian meant
us a clear and real picture which shows God.
that the woman through the first human
existence in the village life of Mesopotamia