Page 377 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
P. 377


                                    CHAPTER III.
             Agreements with the Sultan of Maskat in connection with the pro­
                   posed telegraphic line along the coast between Gwadur and
                   Bunder Abbas, 1SG4-C5. Colonel Felly’s report on the country
                   from Bunder Abbas to Jask, 1SG4.
                 30 A. In connootion with tho proposed telegraphic line along the coast
                                            between Gwadur and Bushire, Colonel
               Political A, December 1801, Nos. 123-121.
                                            Belly’s opinion was asked especially in
             regard to tho strip of the coast from Bundor Abbas and Gwadur. In his letter
             to tho Bombay Government, No. 57, dated IGth October 18Gdi, he observed:—
                2.  It appears to me that tho objects wo have in view are—
                  latly.—To get this line mndo as quick as possible;
                  2/idly.—To have it efficiently superintended ; and
                  3rdly.—To avoid raising any territorial questions and to avoid also committing
                          ourselves to tho acknowledgment of any territorial jurisdictions.
                3.  The territory to be traversed from Bushiro to Gwadel is divisible—
                  latly.—Iuto territory which all parties acknowledge to be directly under Persia, viz.,
                          the littoral of the Persian Gulf from Bushire to a point near Bunder
                          Abbas ;
                  2ndly.—Territory which both tho Shah's Government and the Sultan of Maskat
                          acknowledge to be territory belonging to Persia, but farmed by Maskat,
                          viz., the littoral of the gulf from the point above alluded to near Bunder
                          Abbas to an undefined point to the eastward of Bunder Abbas; and
                  3rdly.—Territory of unnamed jurisdiction lying an undefined distance along the shore
                          line hot ween Bunder Abbas and Gwadel.
                4.  Tho course I would follow is that which I recently followed in regard to Chiefs on
             tho Arab littoral of the gulf, viz., that of making everything depend on person without
             specifyiug territory. This principle could be applied in tho present iustanco by obtaining
             from tho Sultan of Maskat a document declaratory of his permission for us to extend the
             line of telegraph along any and all territories which he might possess, or which he might
             lease on the Persian and Mekran shores; such document further binding Ilis Highness to
             punish any of his subjects or dependants who may commit any act of aggression or trespass
             on the telegraph lines, stations, or material, on the same being brought to his notice.
                5.  A similar document might bo obtained from the Shah's Government in regard to
             any and all territory which Ilis Majesty might have leased to the Maskat State and in
             regard to any aud all territory to which His Majesty might lay claim along the shore line to
             the southward and eastward of Bunder Abbas.
                         Extenaion of telegraph line from Bushire to Bunder Allas.
                6.  These documents obtained, we could continue our line beyond Gwadel to Bunder
             Abbas in the 6ame manner a9 we have done it to Gwadel, and we could arrange with the
             Shah's Government for connecting the Bunder Abbas districts with Bushire cither in the
             manner we had followed from Gwadel, or under arrangements similar with those which
             obtain in regard to the line betweeu Bushire and Tehran.
                30 B. In October 1861, Mr. Alison, Her Majesty’s Minister at Teheran*
                                           having communicated with the Persian
               Political A, January 1806, Nos. 115-116.
                                           Government about the extension of tho
             wire to Bunder Abbas, enquired whether the Sultan of Maskat would agree
             to the proposed extension. Colonol Belly was thereupon directed by the
            Bombay Government to proceed to Maskat, and after conferring with tho
            Sultan arrange matters as best as ho thought proper.
                30 0, Colonel Polly accordingly proceeded to Maskat, on Novomher 1864
                                           and obtained the Sultan’s signature to an
              •Aitchison*. Treaties (1892), Volumo XI,   agreement,* dated 17th November 1864,
            page 74.
                                           authorising the construction of tolcgrapli
            lines anywhere appertaining to the State of Maskat or in any territories which
            the Sultan might hold on lease from tho Shah of Persia. The agreement also
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