Page 378 - Gulf Precis (VII)_Neat
P. 378


                        provides that the Maskat Government shall not interfere with telegraphic
                        operations and punish interference by Maskat subjects or dependents. It also
                        confirms tho title of tho British Government to the station at Bassidoro.
                            30 D. A Convention was also signod by tho Sultan of Maskat on 19th
                                                     January 1865, authorizing tho construc­
                         Political A, March 1865, Nos. 103-164.
                         Aitohiaon's Treatiet, Volumo XI, pago 76.  tion of tolegraph lines in his dominions
                                                     both in Arabia and Mekran and pro­
                        viding that his protection should be afforded to telegraph lines, stations and
                        employ6s. It also providos that disagreements arising between tolegraph
                        oflioials and the Sultan’s subjects in his Arabian dominions should bo referred
                        to for docision to tho British Political Officer at Maskat, and such as arise in
                        his possessions in Mekran to the Assistant British Political Officer at Gwadur.
                            30 E. In Novcmber-December 1864, Colonel Polly made a journey
                                                     from Bunder Abbas to Jask in view to
                           Political A, April 1865, Nos. 104*106.
                                                     examining what facilities the nature of
                        this strip of tho coast and the temper of its inhabitants might afford for the
                        proposed extension of our telegraphic operations. As a result of this
                        journey Colonel Pelly submitted to Government interesting reports about the
                        routes and other matters connected with the country and also a report con­
                        taining some physical information prepared by Dr. Colvill, all of which were
                        considered as of great value in the event of arrangements being concluded for
                        extending the Mekran telegraph line to Bunder Abbas (Bombay Government
                        to the Government of India, No. 65, dated 11th April 1865).
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