Page 226 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 226



        Spent the whole morning at the Customs as de G is leaving on Sunday & I shall have to run the Customs in addition to my
        own work.  Tennis at Agency & after dinner Alban, I & the Dr went out to Idari & bathed.

        Tiffah came in to see about some mending & told me a good deal of gossip about the Ruling Family's wives & affairs.

        The five diving clerks from Muharraq came to see me in afternoon about the diving rules, which are being ignored.

        Saturday 28th [May]

        Busy morning.  Sh Abdulla called & then held a Court, still a lot of cases.  Worked in afternoon.  Alban & I intended going to
        Muharraq but too rough so put it off & went for a bit of a walk in the town.  Mail arrived, got letter in evening.  Dinner &
        Bridge at Mespers, de G, Parke & Alban.

        Sunday 29th [May]
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