Page 227 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 227
Finished work in the office early & went with Alban to Sitra, taking lunch with us. Got across in quite good time & lunched in
a garden close to the sea, then walked across the islands & saw both the springs, bathed in the big one which excited much
interest among the female population who were at the well drawing water. It was rather muddy but a fine big pool for
swimming in. Went & drank coffee at the house of Hassan bin Mazook who was very cross because I had brought an Arab
over to see the gardens. Arabs are now allowed to go & live at Sitra during the summer. Got back at about 8.30 & had to
wade a long way from the boat to the shore as the tide was out. A very pleasant expedition. We ate every single scrap of
food including a whole tin of biscuits. Still really not impossibly hot, as it was last year.
Monday 30 [May]
Court in the morning. Went over to Muharraq in afternoon with Alban & had a look at the Diving Clerks Office. They run
their show extremely well & I was glad to find that the diving accounts which they had there were not as bad as I expected
but naturally the narkudas who go contrary to the Govt regulations do not take their accounts to the regular clerks. Only
about half are done by them.