Page 230 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 230



        Friday 3rd June

        The Kings Birthday.  Went over to Agency to call & found Sh Isa & all the Khalifa Shaikhs.  A very sticky proceeding - long
        pauses.  Sh Isa is very deaf & never seems to hear anything.  Sh Hamed looked very seedy.  Afterwards interviewed the Agent
        of the Ice Machine about taking on an English Engineer - not in favour as he says he cant sell the present amount which is
        made with only one machine running.  The Shaikh came in afterwards.  Lunch at the Agency, afterwards sat reading the
        confidential files which are extremely interesting & very amusing.  The one about Yusuf Kanoo is amazing.  When he was
        made a Khar Bahadur by the Gov of India he was so very indignant at not being given more that he asked the P.A. not to
        address him by the title.  He seems to have been prime mover in every intrigue for years.  He opposed the bank as he is the
        biggest moneylender here, in spite of innumerable setbacks he constantly tried to get power & position.  He started in a
        small way as an Agency interpreter.

        Tennis in afternoon & then A & the Dr & I went out to the launch to bathe.  Rather a hot day.

        Sarurday 4th June
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