Page 41 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 41



          Usual day.  Court in the morning.  Disposed of 26 cases between 7 am & 9.30, then called on Daly & the Office till 2
          pm, & Arabic 4-5.30 - I certainly do plenty of work here.  We have bought de G's ice machine & had most delicious
          huge ices for dinner, so nice, almost worth it being rather hot so much does one appreciate ices here!  Went a walk in
          the evening along the sea front & back round the outside of the town.  We are to move to the Fort when Geake goes,
          till our new house is ready.  Cooler out there than in this house.  Good idea.

          Sunday 23rd May

          Busy day at office.  Court before breakfast & then the usual crowds of people coming in & out.  The Sheikh's business
          takes up a good deal of time, he has heaps of rents to be collected & altogether a great deal to do, & a good many
          payments to be made, mainly small presents to any rascals who go out & ask him for cash.  He thinks that it is
          beneath his dignity to refuse to give money to anyone from the mainland who asks for it.  The mailboat came in & we
          got our letters in the evening.  Not many.  Most people seem to have left off writing to me - which is tiresome.

          Monday May 24th - Whit Monday
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