Page 45 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 45



          Can remember nothing.  Forgot to write the day.  Mail arrived.

          Monday 31st [May]

          Joint Court in the morning, but soon over.  He discussed various things with me in my office first.  Got home
          reasonably early.  In the evening played tennis at the Spences.  Quite enjoyed it, Dalys, Geake & Pickering were there,
          played quite well, but I vary a lot.  Some more mail arrived.  Had a look at the sea wall in the morning.  It is certainly
          getting on well.

          Tuesday [1st June]

          Court in the morning.  Cannot remember anything we did as am writing back.  Arabic in afternoon.  M went to tennis
          at Spences who told her that I oughtn't to allow her to walk about alone - cheek! no business of theirs and perfectly
          absurd.  Daly says its because Mrs Spence is to lazy to walk out & therefore dislikes anybody else walking about.  She
          lives two minutes from the bazaar & has never been in it - thinks it infra dig.
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