Page 44 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 44



          direction.  Its a wonderful place.  One can buy almost everything there.  Really one need not have brought many
          stores out.  In the afternoon played tennis at the Dalys.  The usual crew.  I played very badly, but the missionaries
          play abominably & noisily & it makes one play badly.  They are really terrible.  Mrs D is going home in ten days.  We
          shall miss her.  She is going by the overland route, the way we came out.  Mrs Spence is also going home, so the only
          women left will be missionaries - & some of them are going too.  Such crowds of boats on the sea today.  Cool day but
          the wind died down in the evening so it became pretty hot.  The missionaries looked very unpleasantly heated.

          Saturday [29th May]

          Court from 7-8, it didn't take long as so many of the parties didn't appear, being absent diving.  Not a great deal doing
          at the office so got back in time for lunch at proper time.  M had had her first Arabic lesson, from the little man who
          teaches me.  A hot day & rather moist at times.  Went a walk after tea to the quay, along the sea walk & back past the
          fort.  Bought a couple of huge baskets, with tops, to use as clothes baskets, nice work, from Katif, on the mainland.
          The Dalys came to dinner, which we had outside on the veranda & afterwards played Bridge - very good ices, the
          cook makes them well.

          Sunday 30th [May]
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