Page 48 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 48
Tennis at the Dalys in afternoon & then to dinner with them, it being the Kings Birthday. Practically everybody in the
place there except the missionaries. After dinner played a writing game that might have been amusing if any of the
others had any idea of doing it - as it was it was dull - & went on till very late, 12.30. I am very sorry Mrs Daly is going,
we shall miss her, & the small boy too, very much indeed, a nice person, very.
Saturday [5th June]
Court in the morning, then went over to the Agency to a meeting of all the leading merchants of all sorts, Persian,
Indian, Jews, Arabs etc. Daly, in uniform & sword, made a speech in Arabic, one in Hindustani & one in Persian which
were replied to by the leading people of each nationality. Afterwards much conversation, coloured drinks, sweets,
and sliced tinned peaches handed round on trays - such an awkward dish to manage without spoons or anything - &
the usual coffee, then we shook hands with all the people & departed; really quite amusing. Went up to the house
for some time & then home, very early for a change.
Sunday [6th June]