Page 53 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 53
English. She showed M all over with great pride, especially pink mosquitoe nets picked out with pink ribbon &
"motifs" in the bedroom. Mail came in the evening. From Gordon, Christopher, J.B. Aunt L. Austen K, also
newspapers & magazines for the first time since the strike.
Sunday [13th June]
Court, but only four cases so it didnt take long. Went down the market in the morning to look again at repairs needed
to some of the Sheikh's property. Part of my job is like being an agent on a big estate at home. Bought a Ford car for
the Government to be used by Daly who is handing over his one to us - for which the Govt is paying.
Motored back with Daly. The HMS Lawrence is in, one of the Indian Levy boats. Went over to tennis after tea at
Dalys & met the Captain & another officer. The Captain, Turbot by name, was at Bedford & wore an OB's blazer &
Pauls scarf. Had some awfully good setts at tennis. Early to bed.
Monday [14th June]
The Sheikh came in & discussed his affairs for some time. At 12.30 M came down to the office & we went off to the
Lawrence for lunch. Very pleasant, a change from only seeing the people here. The Captain & another very nice