Page 57 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 57
Didnt hold a Court, busy day, a lot of visitors mostly about the Sheikh's private business. Very windy day. The boat
came in at about 11 & we got our post by lunch time, quite a record in earliness. Yesterday a jewish woman called to
ask M to intercede for her brother who has a case against him at the Agency Court. Lots of the pearling boats are
coming back for the Eid. Went up to the Fort in the evening & saw Geake, had a look at the rooms, they are quite nice.
Monday [21st June]
No office as it is an Eid (public holiday) being the day that pilgrims at Mecca become Hajis, a number of very smartly
dressed natives about. They all wear new clothes on the Eids - their new cleanness lasts about three days & then wears
off. Went to tennis at the Spences in the afternoon, Geake & Pickering playing - dull tennis, quite a windy day again.
de Grenier & the Dr came to dinner. de G came very early before we were ready or dressed, awkward as M's room is
so very exposed! Quite pleasant, & a good dinner, afterwards played Bridge, quite interesting games. de G is an awful
bounder, really terrible altogether, but I think he means well.
Tuesday [22nd June]