Page 61 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 61
they sent out to meet us. Had another look at the building which we are going to turn into Police barracks, it will be a
great improvement & look well when finished. Came back, in the launch, by moonlight, changed hurriedly & then
went to dinner at the Fort with Geake. The Spences were expected but didnt come - for which we were not sorry!
After dinner - a very good one, went out a drive in a car, to a certain spring & then out onto the desert which was
deliciously cool - really almost cold; then back & home. Very pleasant driving at night.
Sunday [27th June]
Spent the entire day up at the Fort taking over & going through accounts. They are extremely difficult to understand.
Geake has no idea of accounts. Had to lunch up there & didnt get back till tea time. Afterwards went a walk with M
along the sea wall & back by the bazaar. Hot these last few days, but an occasional breeze. I started to drive up to the
Fort in the car, but it stuck. Finally found it was owing to lack of petrol! Rather ignominious, I had to get a taxi & go
on. The Triad, a gunboat, is in here.
Monday [28th June]
Spent another whole morning at the Fort. We went up in the car, M sat on the veranda all the morning while I was in
the office. After tea had the barber & then went over to Daly's to play tennis with him & the Captain & a Lieut from
the Triad. The Captain was St something Parry, & the Lieut Langley. Played badly. Came back. Changed & then