Page 60 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 60



          stone centre surrounded by pearls, really rather a handsome thing, though very barbaric.  I don't know what we shall do
          about it.

          de Grenier called in the evening, & later we went out in the car with Daly.  Full moon.  Rather hot & muggy day.  The
          Queen was most pleasant & nice, M says she is really awfully pretty, very dark, huge eyes, & lots of dark hair in two
          long plaits.  She wants to come & see us but not till we are in the new house as it would not be proper for her to call at
          the fort where all the Levy Corps are about.  Very hot evening.

          Friday [25th June]

          Went down the market in the morning.  Very hot out but quite comparatively cool in the bazaars.  In the afternoon
          tennis at Daly's.  Played four setts.  There were 18 people there.  The missionaries are numerous, but somehow they
          hardly count as people.  They complain much about the heat though they go to India, to the hills, every year.  Daly's
          veranda always seems cool.

          Saturday [26th June]

          Busy day at the office, very late coming back.  The Sheikh came in.  Mail in the evening, but only 1 letter for me -
          several papers.  After tea went over to Muharraq by sailing boat, but got becalmed & had to get into the launch which
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