Page 62 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 62



          dined with Daly.  The Lieut missed his launch back to the ship so I brought him over here, gave him a bath & dressed
          him in my clothes - he being 5 foot 8, they were rather baggy!  A very good dinner.  Hot evening & felt rather heavy as
          I've got a cold.  Tomorrow I have to take the Sheikh on board the ship, to pay an official call.  Captain Parry is the
          Senior Naval Officer in the Gulf, seems a pleasant little man, but a trifle too important, I suppose he is rather senior.

          Tuesday [29th June]

          Took the Sheikh, & Sheikh Abdulla, out to the HMS Triad to pay an official call on the Senior Naval Officer of the
          Gulf, one Captain Parry.  A very nasty blusterous day, the Shamaal still blowing hard.  We went in the Sheikh's launch
          & took about a dozen attendants, who didnt come on board.  Sat in the Captain's most luxurious cabin & drank coffee
          while he tried to talk to the Sheikh in the most execrable Arabic.  On the way out something about the rudder smashed
          & for ¼ hour we were out of control, not pleasant as the waves were quite high.  Several men dived overboard in a
          second & fixed it up by diving under the boat.  I was held up on my way round in the car by having poured a can of
          water, instead of petrol, into the engine!

          In the afternoon M & I & Daly & the SNO motored out to the Sheikh's, I drove all the way there & back, about 30
          miles, & quite got into the way of it.  The Sheikh showed us his ponies, dogs & hawks.  We sat on a long sort of mud
          bench, covered with carpets, outside the house while the Sheikh's grooms rode the ponies up & down for us to see.
          Really rather a disappointing show.  The ponies are not at all remarkable & some look a trifle underfed, the silugis are
          not as good as mine in Egypt.  The hawks were very fine birds, & cost a lot to buy & feed.
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