Page 63 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 63



          Wednesday [30th June]

          The Triad departed, also the mail boat with Geake on board, & we began packing up for our move to the Fort.  I am
          sorry Geake has gone, though bad at his job, & very obstinate, he was the only man here except Daly, of the proper
          sort.  We shall miss him.  A nasty thing happened in the morning.  M was at the house & most of the servants out, a
          match or something set fire to the clothes basket in the bedroom & she suddenly found everything in flames.  She
          called the boys but got no answer & then ran all the way to the Agency to get help, in the hottest part of the day.  The
          Guard, police, & all Daly's staff came rushing over, the fire was put out & didnt do a great deal of harm, fortunately,
          but when I got back, sent for by Daly, I found M very upset.  It was a nasty shock & very frightening.  Went out for a
          drive in the car after tea.

          Thursday [1st July]

          Busy moving all day.  Dropped M at the Fort & called for her on the way back.  The Municipal lorry moved up our
          belongings, & by the evening we had all the stuff up here ready & fixed.  Drove round with Holmes after tea to see the
          suggested sites for the new wells to be sunk in Manama, then out to the Palace which is coming on splendidly & looks
          very handsome - cut stone pillars & solid stone walls, most dignified, but rather too European.  Dined with Daly but
          didnt stay late as we had a long day of it.  Nobody else there.  It is certainly nice having a car to go about in.
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