Page 67 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 67
down to Customs & along to the house to see if they have put in the doors correctly, also decided on the colours for the
rooms. Terrific wind all day, & sand blowing, horrid!
Thursday [8th July]
No diving Court. Very windy. Rather a slack day in the office as there is usually a Court & no people come in.
Writing back & cant remember much. Sheikh Hamed came to call in the afternoon bringing with him the young son of
Sheikh Ghazal of Muhammerah. Sat on the sofa with his legs curled up under him & ate chocolate biscuits, coffee &
tea, the young man sat on a chair being a very civilized person! Much talk about the greatness of the British Empire -
the Sheikh's ideas were mostly based on Wembley. Wembley seems to have impressed him in exactly the right way.
We were amused to see him shyly pulling up the cover of the sofa while he talked to see what the sofa springs were
made of. Afterwards walked round the fort. Before going the Sheikh sent away the young sheikh & then asked about
whether I advised his lending Rs 4000! I said certainly not but said he could give a small present of Rs 200, out of his
fund for gifts - I do get so annoyed by these cadgers, specially when they are educated men like this one.
Friday [9th July]
Sheikh Muhamed, one of the Sheikh's brothers, came to call bringing Ali Kanoo, a merchant. They seem not to like
calling alone, but need support, an intelligent little man but said to be very hard on his tenants. He stayed an hour &