P. 22

Indian Navy) ....                               Cojiica
                                                           No. of
        Bone, Fi-ederick G-., Esq., I.N. {late Secretary to the Commander-in-Chief,
        Booth, Lieutenant W. C, I.N.  .
        Boyee, Captain C, I.N.
        Brazier, Lieutenant E. J , I.N.
        Brechin, the Riglit Reverend the Bishop of (Dr. Jerinyu)
        Bridge, Captain Cyprian A. Gr., K.N.
        Buckler, C. D., Esq. ....
        Brownlow, Eev. W. E. B.
        Bullock, Fred., Esq. ....
        Buckle, Rev. J. (late Lieutenant I.N.)
        Burne, Lieutenant-Colonel 0. T., C.S.I. [Private Secretary to the Viceroy)
        Butt, H. a., Esq. .....                    .
        Burne, Colonel H. K., C.B. (Miiitary Secretary, Government of India)
                                [late of the 15th Regiment)
        Burt, Lieutenant Turner, W., I.N.
        Burton, Captain Richard F., F.R.G-.S. (late IHih Bombay N.I.)
           ment of India) ....
        Buxton, the Hon. Mrs. F. W.  .
        Caldwell, W. B., Esq.....
        Bvthesea, Rear-Admiral J., V.C. (Consulting Naval Officer to the Govern
        Campbell, General G., C.B., R.A.
        Campbell, Captain C. D., I.N.  .
        Carey, Lieutenant Henry C, I.N.
        Carpendale, Rev. W. H. (Jaie Lieutenant I.N)
        Cavenagh, G-eueral Orfeur (late Governor Straits Settlements)
        Chapman, M., Esq., I.N.
        Chesney. Mrs. F. R.
        Child,* Mrs. S.
                        .     .      .      .
        Cliitty, Commander A. W., I.N.  .
           Governor- General) ....
        Clark, Lieutenant A. J., I.N.
        Clarke,  Colonel  Su- Andi-ew, K.C.M.G.,  C.B., R.E.  (Council of the
        Cole, W. T. Esq., I.N......
        Cleghorn, G-eorge, Esq. (late Captain Scots Greys)
        Coles, George, Esq. .....
        Coghlau, General Sir William M., K.C.B., R.A.
                                           (late Brigadier an
           Political Mesident at Aden)
        Colley, Colonel G. Pomeroy, C.B. (Military Secretary to the Viceroy)
        Combe, J., Esq. .....
        Collingridge, Captain, Clate H.E.I.C. Maritime Service)
        Constable, Captain C. Or., I.N. ....
        CoUingwood, Lieutenant W., I.N.
        Connolly,* Mrs. CM.
        Crofton,* Mrs. .....
        Conybeare, Major-General F., R.A.
        Cookson, Commander A. A., I.N.
        Cousens, Rev. R. R. (late Lieutenant I.N.)
       Crookshank, Captain A. C. W. (Assistant Secretary, Military Department
           Government of India)
       Cruttenden, Captain C. J., I.N.  .
       Curtis, Major-General W. P.  .
       Daniell, Captain E. W. S., I.N.  .
       Davies, Commander W. H., I.N.  .
       Davis, Lieutenant, H. H., I.N.
       Dawes, George, Esq. ....            .
       Dawes, N., Esq. ....
       Dawes, Lieutenant Edwin, I.N.
       Dawes, Richard, Esq.
       De Montmorency, Mrs R. H.  .
       Dent, Lieutenant T. W., I.N.
       Draper, Commander J. S., I.N.  .
       Drought, Captain H. A. M., I.N.
                       * Widow of an Officer of the Indian Navy.
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