P. 24
Hogg, Lieutenant Colonel Sir James M. McGarel, Bart., K.C.B., M.P.
Holl, Lieuteiiaut-Gcueral C
Holt, Commander Gr. T., I.N. {Nautical Assessor, Board of Trade)
Home, Mrs. E.
Hope, Admiral Sir James, Gr.C.B., A.D.C. {late Commander-in-Chief,
China and East India Station)
Hopkins, Captain F. W., I.N.
Hopkins, Mrs. S.
Hora, F. H., Esq., I.N.
of India) ....
Hordern, R. O., Esq., I.N.
Howell, A. P., Esq. {Under-Secretary, Home Department, Government
Hudson, Eobert, Esq., D.L., F.R.S.
Humphry, Captain E. W., R.E. . .
Ibbs, Miss .....
Hunter, Lieutenant T. R., I.N.
Hurlock, Lieutenant R. Gr., I.N.
Huyslie, General Alfred, C.B., R.A.
Jackson, Lieutenant H., I.N.
Jacob, Major-General Sir George Le Grand, K.C.S.I., C.B
Jacob, Captain S. S. {Bombay Staff Corps)
James, Commander H. H., I.N. .
Jefferis, Major John
Jenkins, Captain Griffith, C.B., I.N.
Jermyn, Lieutenant E. F., I.N. .
K.C.B., R.A. {Co
Johnson, Lieutenant-General Sir Edwin B., K.C.B., R.A. {Council ofth
Governor- General)
Johnson, Colonel Allen {Military Secretary India Office)
Johnstone, Mrs.
Jones, Captain J. Felix, I.N.
Joynt, Sm-geon-Major C. {Bombay Army)
Kane, Surgeon-Major M.
Eemball, Lieutenant-General Sir Arnold B., K. C.S.I. , C.B., R.A.C.B., R
Kennedy, Mrs. H.
Kennelly, Acting-Master D. J., I.N.
Keys, J. A., Esq., I.N. .
Kiell, G. M., Esq.
Kinchant, Commander R., I.N.
Kinchant, Mrs. R.
King, Lieutenant Duncan B., I.N.
Lake,* Major-General Edward, C.S.I., R. E. {late Commissioner in th
Lake, Mrs. Edward
Lakes, Lieutenant J. Gould, I.N. .
Lamb, Lieutenant H., I.N.
Lambarde, Lieutenant T. M., I.N.
Lambert, Rear-Admiral Rowley, C.B.
Lamboru, Mr. {late Engineer, I.N.)
Lawrence, Lieutenant-General Sir George St. P., K.C.S.I., C.B
Lawrence, Major-General R. C, C.B. {late Bolitical Resident t Nepau
Leishman, Lieutenant W., I.N. .
Le Messurier, Major A., R.E.
Lewis, Lieutenant G. L., I.N.
Leycester,t George P., Esq. {Bengal Civil Service)
Liardet, Lieutenant H. M., I.N.
Library—Army and Navy Club
„ Army Head-Quarter's Book Club {Simla) .
„ Consulting Naval Officer to the Government of India
„ East India United Service Club .
„ Foreign Department, Government of India
„ Junior Carlton Club
Kurrachee Club
Deceased on the 7tli of Jime, 1877. + Deceased on the Srd of November, 187