P. 26

NoUoth, Eear-Aclmiral M. S.
       North, Colonel J. Sydney, M.P., D.C.L
       Nott, Captain A. H., I.N.
       Ogilvy, Lieutenant W. H., I.N.
       O'Neill, W. Lane, Esq.
       Ottley, R. B., Esq.
       Ouscley, Colonel J.
       Parker, Lieutenant C C, I.N. (blaster- Attendant, Kurrachee)
       Peele, Surgeon-Major R. De C. {late of the Bombay Army)
       PeUy, Colonel Sir Lewis, K.C.B., K.C.S.I.
       Peudlebury, A. A. Esq., I.N.
       Peiigelley, Commander W. M., I.N.
       Peters, C. H., Esq. ....
       Pe^Dper,* Mrs. Gr. A.
       Percy, General Lord Henry H. M., K.C.B., V.C.
       Pbillimore, Rear-Admiral A., {Admiral- Superintendent, Natml Reserves)
       Playfair, Lieutenant-Colonel R. L. {S.M.'s Consul- General in Algeria)
       Polwhele, General T.  .
       Poole, J. W., Esq.
       Porter, Captam J. P., I.N.
       Potts, Arthur, Esq.
       Powell, Osborne C, Esq.
       Pratt, F., Esq., I.N.
       Quanbrough, P. W., Esq.
       Rawlinson, Major-General Sir Henry C, K  C.B., F.R.S., D.C.L., LL.D
          ( Council of India)
       Rawstorne, E. C, Esq.  .
                                    Council and Acting- Governor
       Reid, Lestock R., Esq. {Late Member of
       Renuie, Captain J., C.B., I.N.
       Renuie, Miss  .
       Rennie, John, Esq.  .
       Revell, Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph L. {late of the 2nd Bengal Europeans)
       Ritherdon, E. Esq. .....
       Revell, Lieutenant-Colonel Blackett {late of the Zlst Madras N.I.)
       Ricliards, Rear-Admiral Sir George H., C.B., F.R.S. {late Sydrographer'
       Righy, Lieutenant-General H., R.E.
          in India) .....
       Robbins, Reverend Dr. Jno, D.D.
       Robinson, Captain G., I.N. ....
       Roberts, Major-General F.S., C.B,, V.C, R.A., {Quartermaster- Genera
       Robinson, F., Esq., I.N. ....
       Rogers, Lieutenant T. R., I.N. ....
       Sawyer, Captain John, I.N. ....
       Rose, Surgeon-Major H. Cooper, M.D. {Boyal East Middlesex Militia)
       Russell, Dr. William Howard, LL.D.
       Sanders,* Mrs. J. P.
       Sconce, Lieutenant G. C, I.N. {Emigration Officer and Nautical Surveyor
          Board of Trade)  . /  .    .
       Scott, Major W. {late fmm Bengal Light Cavalry)
       Seaton, Lieutenant Frank L., I.N.
       Seymour, Admiral Sir Michael, G.C.B. {late Commander-in-Chief, China
          and East India Station)
       Seymour, Vice-Admiral Sir F. Beauchamp P., E.C.B. {late Commanding
          the Channel Squadron)
       Selwyn, Rear-Admiral Jasper H.
       Shand, Livingston, Esq.
       Sliarp, Commander C, I.N.
       Slieppard, Lieutenant J., I.N.
       Skottowe,* Mrs. R.  .
       Smart, J. D., Esq., I.N.
       Spratt, Rear-Admiral Thomas A. B., C.B., F.R.S.
                       * Widow of <au Officer of the Indian jS'avy.
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