P. 269
Services of tlie Marine at the deduction of the Island of Java and its Depen-
dencies—Tlio Expeditions to Pahmbang and Samarang—Gallantry of Lieu-
tenant Deane in the Sambas River—Expedition against the Rajahs of Sambas
and Boni—Services of Lieutenant Deane— Gallant conduct of the Marine at
Macassar—Rescue of the crew of H.M.S. ' Alceste,' by the ' Teruate.'
SCARCELY had the ships of the Hon. Company's Marine,
employed at the reduction of Mauritius in 1810, returned
to Bombay, than they were engaged in another, and still more
important enterprise.
In 1811, Lord Minto, Governor-General of India, decided
upon undertaking the conquest of the Island of Java, then in
possession of the Dutch, who, however, owing to Napoleon's
successes, had become his allies rather by compulsion than from
choice, and, accordingly, a powerful combined military and
naval expedition was fitted out, to which all three Presidencies
provided a contingent. His lordship proceeded to Madras,
whence the major part of the troops was drawn, in the Hon.
Company's ship ' Mornhigton,' Captain Robert Deane, to super-
intend the arrangements of the naval andmilitar}^ chiefs, whilst
Sir George Hewitt and Commodore Hayes conducted the fitting
out and embarkation of the Bengal Division. The Royal Navy,
when all the ships were assembled, was represented by a powerful
fleet,* consisting of three ships of the line, one forty- ibur-gun
frigate, the ' Akbar,' (formerly the Bombay Marine frigate 'Corn-
* The following were the ships of the Royal fleet on the 9th of August, when
all were assembled under command of Rear-Admiral the Hon. Robert Sto]iford :
— 'Scipion.' seventy-four, Rear-Admiral lion. Robert Stopford, Captain liobin-
son ; 'Illustrious,' seventy-four, Conmiodore Rrougliton, Ca|it;un Fe.-liug
' Minden,' seventy-four. Captain Iloare ' Lion,' sixty-four, Caiitaiu lleatlicote
; ;
' Akbar,' forty-four, Captain Drury. Tliirty-cight-gun frigates, ' Nisus,' Caj)taiu
Beaver; ' Presidente,' Captain Warren ; 'Hussar,' Captain Crawford ; ' Phaeton,'
Captain Fleetwood Pellew. Thirty-six-gun frigates, ' Leda,' Captain Sayer
'Caroline,' Captain Cole; ' Modeste,' Captain Hon. George Elliot; 'Phoebe,'
' Bucephalus,' Captain Pelley ' Doris,' Captain Lye. Thirty-
Captain Ilillyar ; ;
' Psyche,' Captain Edgcombe 'Sir Francis ]Jrake,' Captain
two-gun frigates, ;
Harris. Sloops of war, ' Procris,' Captain I\raunsell ; ' Barnicouta,' Captain
Owen ; ' Ilesper,' Caj^tain Reynolds ; ' Harpy,' Captain Bain ; ' Hecate,' Captain
' Dasher,' Captain Kelly ' Samaraug,' Captain Drury,
Peachey ; ;