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      strength.  These three ships performed some gallant service at
      Macassar during the year 181 G.
        On the  5th of April  the boats of the  ' Ternate,' Captain
      Davidson, attacked and drove ashore off the Tenette River, two
      large war proas, each mounting four guns and full of men  ; in this
      affair Lieutenant John Charlton Kinchant, a very promising
      young  officer, was killed.  In June the crews of the  ' Teign-
      mouth  '  and  ' Benares  ' had an opportunity of earning distinction
      of which they did not fail to avail themselves.  Our old enemy,
      the Rajah of Boni, had become aggressive and had taken up a
      post about eight miles from Macassar, at the entrance of Balian-
      gan Pass, which led to a hill, where they had entrenched them-
      selves  in  fifteen strong redoubts—called " bentengs"* in this
      part of the world— flanked on both sides by nearly precipitous
      rocks, containing caverns which were used as magazines or for
      shelter from  artillery  fire.  As  it could not be borne that a
      native chief should thus, as it were, blockade a British port and
      the capital of the island of Celebes, Major D. H. Dalton, the
      Political Resident and Connnandant, resolved to dislodge him.
      At his request, on the 7th of June, Captain W. Eat well, of the
      'Benares,' senior naval officer, landed a body of seventy seamen
      and  forty-five marines from the  ' Teignmouth  '  and  ' Benares,'
      to co-operate with the military force.  The  • Benares  ' was left
      as guard ship at Macassar, all the disposable troops having been
      withdrawn from the  fort, the  ' Teignmouth  ' was stationed off
      Maros River, and the  ' Ternate  ' off Tinoritty to deter the chief
      from reinforcing the enemy near Maros.  Major Dalton's force
      consisted, in addition to the Naval Brigade, of a small detach-
      ment of Bengal Artillery, three hundred and forty men of the
      Hon.  Company's European  Regiment and   the 4th Bengal
      Volunteer Battalion. A portion of the seamen were attached
      to  the  guns,  which  consisted  of two  18-pounders,  two
      howitzers, and one  H-pounder, and the marines were  incor-
      porated with the troops.  The attack commenced at daylight
      on the 8th of June, and continued, under the heat of a tropical
      sun, until  four  in the afternoon.  "At  that  hour," says the
      writer of a published account in the " Asiatic Journal," " the
      enemy, after a most desperate resistance, was driven with great
      loss from  the whole of his entrenchments.  Our loss on this
      occasion  is very considerable, being seventy-four  killed and
        * Bentengs are breastworks of turf, about  fire feet in height, and tunnelled
      with numerous bamboo pipes, through wliinh the defenders shoot, the bamboos
      being so arranged tliat the fire shall take effect upon  tlie legs and lower part of
      the body of  the enemy, and so efTectually place liim hors de combat.  Tlie
      approaches to the"beuteng" are further strewn with bambu doeri, a thorny
      species of bamboo, as the name implies, tlie stems of which are so tortuous and
      thickly interlaced as to defy even large shot and  shell.  These earthworks are
      placed in a series, one behind the other, so that if the most advanced one  is in
      danger of capture, the defenders leave it, and take shelter behind the succeeding
      one, and so on.
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