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          On the 8th of June, 181fi, the 'Teignmonth' lost her entire
        detachment of marines, numbering one non-commissioned oflficer
        and seventeen privates.  On that day, they had been placed in
        charge of two proas which iiad been detained, when it is supposed
        the Malay crews, taking advantage of a dark and stormy night,
        cut the cables, and, having overpowered the Sepoys, managed to
        make  their escape;  whether the Sepoys were murdered or
        drowned was never known, as nothing was ever heard of them
        or the proas.  The marines of the 'Benares' performed good
        service during the period of their service in the Eastern islands,
        and it  is only just that we should chronicle their faithful and
        courageous conduct both on shore and afloat.  Originally num-
        bering twenty-eight non-commissioned  officers and privates,
        they returned to Bombay in 1817, at the end of the commission,
        reduced to a strength of only eleven, and there was not one of
        the survivors but could show scars of from one to three or four
        wounds.  The Naick, or native corporal, who returned in com-
        mand, was promoted to be a native commissioned officer, as also
        was the drummer, who had discarded his instrument for the
        bayonet.  These men  belonged  to  the old Bombay Marine
        Battalion, and, like the marines of the 'Aurora,' who distin-
        giiished themselves at Mauritius by their fidelity, Avere natives
        of the Concan.
          Whilst hostilities were in progress against the Rajah of Boni,
        it became a matter of great importance to prevent his receiving
        supplies of military  stores from  his agents at Penang and
        Malacca.  To prevent this. Captain Eatwell placed two smart
        midshipmen, Messrs. William Denton and Duff, in charge of
        two gunboats, to cruise in the track of the proas from the Straits
        of Malacca, while the ships took up the stations most likely to
        conduce to the attainnjent of the object in view  ; the cruisers'
        boats also, under the command of Lieutenant Guy, an able and
        zealous officer, were stationed at various islands, and were suc-
        and obtainins; the command of the pass from whence he withdrew his supplies  ;
        but at  tlie moment of this success, the  officers of tlie party were unfoi'tunately
        wounded, the men were drawn off and screened from the  fire of the redoubts,
        but at tlie same time enabled to keep a fire on them. We got a 6-pounder up,
        which fired  occasionally  ; the battery  continued  to  play, but the enemy still
        appeared resolute, nor did he waver  till about four in the afternoon.  It was
        instantly perceived, the assault in the most intrepid manner followed, and the two
        principal redoubts were in a few seconds in our possession.
          " Tlie enemy's chieftain, Datoo Cheeta, resisted to the last, and is reported to
        have been killed in the assault  ; the royal flag of Boni was found by his side.
        After carrying the principal redoubts we experienced no further resistance  ; the
        enemy fled in many directions, and in a clo^e intricate country, was innnediately
        concealed from our view.  The  loss of the enemy was eousiderable.  I  liave
        sincerely to lament that our loss in men is severe  ; but when the nature of the
        attack is considered, and the obstinate defence made by the enemy, our loss in
        numbers may be deemed perhaps moderate.  For the present achievement I am
        entirely indebted to the cordial assistance of the officers and men in tlie perform-
        ance of my duty, and the determined bravery with which they completed its
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