P. 305

CHAPTER        IX.                 —

    Operations against the Pirates of Kattywar and Cutch—The  ' Malabar,' Captain
     Maxfield,  in Burmah—Expeditions  against Malwau and Dwarka— Galhnit
     Services of Lieutenant Grant in Kattywar—Action between the  ' Nautihis
     and  ' Peacock — Services of tlie Bombay Marine daring the Mahi'atta War
     Shipbuilding in Bombay Dockyai'd— Operations at Mocha.
    BETWEEN the years 1811-16, owing    to the absence of a
        kirge portion of the cruisers of the Bomba}^ Marine in the
    Eastern Islands, the duties  fell very heavily on the small force
    disposable at head-quarters, who had thus scarcely' any rest in
    port, but were hurried from one sphere of duty to another. The
    pirates on the coast of the southern Concan, Kattywar,* and
    Cutch, were in consequence very troublesome and daring", and
    the squadron of small craft, schooners and armed pattamars,
    were actively and successfully employed against them  ;  the
    only remaining available cruiser was employed in protecting the
    Red Sea trade.
      The pirates established at Bcyt, had, from time immemorial,
    been very daring in their depredations.  In 1803, a small, but
    well-appointed, squadron, consisting of II.M's. ship  ' Eox,' and
    Honourable Company's brigs  ' Ternatu' and 'Teignmouth,' was
    despatched by the Bombay  Government to  beat up  their
    quarters, and, after a bombardment of two or three days without
     * The Guzerat Peninsula is now known by the name of Kattywar, from the
    tribe of Kattees, who inhabit the central division or province of the ten into
    wliicii the Peninsula is divided  ; of these ten divisions eight belong to Ra,jpoots
    of diverse tribes, and one alone, Sorutli, to the Mahoniniedan dynasty of Joonu-
    ghur. The proper name of the peninsula is, however, Soorashtra, so called by the
    Greeks, from Soo (Good) and Kashtra (country)  ;  it  is sacred  in Hindoo eyes
    from its liaving been the scene of Krishna's exploits and death, and vast numbers
    of pilgi'ims crowd from  all -parts of India  to its shrines, the most famous of
    which was the Temple of Somnauth, desecrated by the Mohammedan conqueror,
    Malimoud of Ghuznee, and rendered historical in modern times by Lord EUeu-
    borousjli's famous "proclamation of the gates."  The first to establish order in
    Kattywar was Colonel Walker, Kesidont at Baroda, who, in 1S05, checked the
    incursions of the Mahratta busts wlio levied choid by certain regular ])ayniont?.
    Full details of the Guzerat Peninsula may be found in No. 37 of the Bombay
    Government Records, in which are also the Eeporls of Captain (now Sir George
    Le Grand) Jacob, who places the population of Kattywar at 1.147,000 in 18 ti'.
    The entire length of the coast-line of Kattywar from Beyt Island to Uiu Head
    is one hundred and sixty miles.
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