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    severely wounded, Mr. Grant was directed to take coniiJiaii(] of
    the Company's armed pattamar  ' Bhowany,' carrying six im-
    pounder carronades, and proceed after the pirate.  In the hitter
    part of December, 1811, while cruising in search of her, he fell
    in with the 'Zei)hyr,' Lieutenant  Bhist, who  directed  hiui  to
    proceed in company to Kori or Lukput River, in Outch, where,
    according to intelligence, some piratical craft had taken shelter.
    Lieutenant Blast stationed the'Deria Dowlut,' pattamar, on
    the opposite side of the river to stop the passage of all boars
    and vessels to or from Lukput Bunder; the 'Dart' gunboat he
    stationed at the inner enti ance abreast of the Cotaseer Creek,
    where the pirates were said to have taken up a position  ; and
    the  ' Bhowany,' with Mr. Midshii>man Kinchant in command,
    was placed at the outer entrance of the creek to prevent their
    escape in that direction.  Mr. Grant having volunteered to cut
    the three pirate vessels out, proceeded with all the boats of the
    small squadron up the creek, where they had taken up a strong
    position imder shelter of the guns of Fort Nuranseer.  The
    affair was  completely successful.  Mr. Grant pulled up  tlie
    creek, disregarding a heavy  fire that was opened on him from
    the baghalas, which were boarded and carried in gallant style.
    Lieutenants Blast and Hardy, and the other officers and men of
    the squadron engaged on the Scinde coast in the suppression of
    piracy, received the thanks of the Govxn'innent of Boiid)ay, ami
    Mr. Grant, who received command of the gunboat  ' Dart,' was
    honoured by a special letter of thanks from the JMarine Office,
    under date the 24th of January, 1812.
      In  February, 1812,  Coh)nel Smith  attacked  the  fort  of
    Nowanugger, when the officers and men of the Bombay Maruie
    afforded  vahiable co-operation, and earned the tlianks of the
    military connnander.  In April of this year, Acting-Lieutenant
    Grant again displayed his zeal and activity by capturing, with
    the  ' Dart' and  ' Deria Dowlut,' after a smart action, a large
    piratical vessel, having on board the notorious leaders Rajah
    Na(;kwah and his  father, Vesey Nackwah  ;  for this  service he
    again received the thanks of Government.
      At  tlie close of 1811, and beginning of the following year,
    the 'Benares' an<l 'Termite'  were employetl  in  the  Bersiari
    Gulf, and one ship was engaged in convoying the Red Sea
    traders  ; in the Bay of Bengal some vessels were stationed at
    Chittagong and Teck Naaf.
      In December, 1811, intelligence arrived at Calcutta of the
    sudden  irriq>tion  into the  tei'ritory of Chittagong of a large
    Burmese  force, which spread  considerable  alarm  along  the
    whole  line of our  iVontier, and induced  the  political agent.
    Mr. Pechell,  to apply for immediate succour. A battalion of
    troops was instantly warned for service, and one wing, with am-
    munition and a large supply of treasure, embark^-d on board the
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