P. 304


      less than  fifty proas and boats liad arrived, with at least five
      hundred men on board.  Their objeet was evidently to slaughter.
      the Europeans  for the sake of plunder, and  as they hourly
       grew stronger, they were less careful to conceal their intentions.
       That evening. Captain Maxwell assembled  his men, and in-
       forming them that he was hourly expecting an attack from the
       pirates, made a spirited appeal to them, and promised them
       victor_y.  His address was received with three hearty cheers,
       which resounded far and wide, and produced an evident effect
       on the savages, who mistook the hurrahs  for a war-cry, and
       stood on the defensive.  The night passed without any attack,
       but the morning discovered the enemy strengthened by the
       arrival of ten more  vessels, with a hundred additional men.
       The position of the English grew momentarily more  critical,
       and they began to ponder which alternative they should accept,
       that of dashing at the pirates, and, at the risk of being butchered
       themselves, getting possession of their boats  ; or that of stand-
       ing on their defence until their scanty provisions were exhausted,
       or assistance arrived from  Java.  "While they were yet un-
       decided which course to adopt, one of the ofilcers climbed a tall
       tree, and reported something  like a sail at a great distance.
       A look-out was immediately sent up with a glass, and sweeping
       the horizon, soon announced a  vessel  standing towards the
       island under all  sail.  At this news, the anxieties of the ship-
       wrecked crew vanished at once, and gave place to a joy as
       general as unbounded, and from many a heart sincere thanks
       were returned  to  the Almighty for their happy deliverance.
       The vessel approaching proved lo be the  ' Ternate,' despatched
       by Lord Amherst to their assistance.  The horde  of pirates
       made a precipitate flight at her appearance, amidst a  vollej'
       from the now rescued crew.  All were embarked on board her,
       and arrived in safety at Batavia, where the Ambassador himself
      received them hospitablv. and had them comfortably provided
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